Active and safe routes to school
We provide resources and supports to schools and families that want to get active!
Walking or biking on the trip to and from school is an important (and fun!) step towards children and youth getting the recommended amount of daily exercise and time outdoors for physical and mental health.
Getting Started
Ways you can get involved and encourage biking, walking and wheeling in your neighbourhood and at your school
Recent Posts
Why active school travel?
Walking, biking and rolling to and from school has positive impacts on children’s mental, emotional, and physical health.
Our Highlights
How are Canadians doing in Active School Travel?
Active and Safe Routes to School Program Handbook
Our program handbook is full of ideas to get your school more active, with resources for special events, walking school buses, and other programs to get you started.
Making Children Count
This is a report with key results, a summary of health challenges, and suggested actions to improve school travel rates, based on a study of Manitoba school, from 2015-2017.
What we did in 2023-2024
Through innovative programs and support of local champions, more kids are biking and walking to school. Here are some of our accomplishments from this past year.
Students participated in ASRTS bike and walk events.
Workshops and presentations delivered to students, parents and teachers!
Students Participated in Clean Air Day!
Learn about walking school buses!