Workplace Commuter Options

Workplace Commuter
Workplace Commuter

Whether you want to increase employee health, improve productivity, reduce absenteeism, achieve a mandate on sustainability or are concerned about corporate social responsibility, making your workplace vehicle optional is for you.

There are countless benefits for employers and employees alike. Green Action Centre’s Workplace Commuter Options program is here to share knowledge and provide fact-based solutions to help make sustainable commuting within reach for Manitobans.

GoManitoba’s goal is to bring sustainable, healthy commuting options to all Manitobans.

Its purpose is to ease travel by helping to facilitate carpools, promote public transit use where available, and match biking and walking mentors.

It is a quick, secure, and personal way to find your commuting options, simply using your home and work (or other destination) addresses.

We also offer workplaces, organizations and municipalities the opportunity to create custom pages, allowing you to have a dedicated portal for your employees, students or residents, and the ability to access commuting data and offer rewards for using the system to reduce or eliminate the number of people driving alone.

By registering for GoManitoba you can connect with like-minded people, share your commute, save time, money and reduce congestion.

By registering for GoManitoba you can connect with like-minded people, share your commute, save time, money and reduce congestion.

The way people commute to and from work is changing dramatically. Expanding options for employee travel to work is increasingly becoming a factor in attracting and retaining top talent.

Providing a suite of commute options for employees contributes to a strong foundation for employee health and wellness, while also demonstrating sustainability, both environmental and financial.

We offer a range of options to help you assess, plan and measure a comprehensive approach to a commuting options program specifically geared to your workplace and employees.

GoHappy can help you to:


survey current commuting needs and desires of your workforce

Assess Infrastructure and Policies

assess your current infrastructure, policies and programs

Set Targets

set targets, develop an action plan and timeline

Provide Solutions

provide solutions for behaviour change and encouragement

Training Sessions

offer a variety of training sessions and workshops for employees that will promote implementation success

Workplace Commuter
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Our Past Projects

assiniboine credit union

Assiniboine Credit Union

Since 2009, Assiniboine Credit Union has contracted Green Action Centre to conduct annual employee commuting surveys and, in the first year, establish benchmarks to assist with setting targets. Commuting options improvements at their locations, based in great part on feedback gathered from these annual surveys, has resulted in a meaningful shift in the number of ACU employees choosing green and active commuting. Increased transit use and carpooling have led to significantly fewer staff driving alone to work.

group of people standing around the university of Manitoba

University of Manitoba

The University of Manitoba‘s Office of Sustainability first contracted Green Action Centre in 2015-16 to conduct a transportation survey of its entire community of approximately 40,000 people. This included multiple campus locations and four member categories, from students and faculty to staff and non-University employees. Since then, Green Action Centre has delivered a campus commute survey every two years. The resulting data, analysis and recommendations feed into the University’s sustainability plans and initiatives.


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Workplace Commuter Options

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Sustainable Workplace Commuting Year Round

Another successful Commuter Challenge has come and gone, further raising the profile of sustainable transportation in Manitoba. We’re sad to see the challenge come to an end because we…

Workplace Commuter Options

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Track Your Commute With GoManitoba

Not only is GoManitoba an excellent tool for finding ride matches to carpool on your commute, it also gives you the ability to track your trips and see the…

Bike Everywhere Month, Clean Air Day, Jack Frost Challenge, Living Green and Living Well, Workplace Commuter Options

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7 Steps To Make Your Workplace Commuter Friendly

Want to improve commuter options at your workplace? Here are 7 steps to get you started!

Guide, Workplace Commuter Options

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Get in Touch

Mel Marginet

Mel Marginet

Workplace Commuter Options
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