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Live Green - Live Well - Green Action Centre


Mar 27 2025

Composting Workshop

We are excited to partner with Wolseley Community Gardens Association to present a FREE composting presentation on March 27. We will learn the basics of composting, including: how food waste …


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Our Blog

Mar 20 2025

New Transit Routes

THE MAIN MAP If you’re like me, seeing a full map is overwhelming. Let’s break it down. First, let’s look at the legend. We can see the new system will …

At Green Action Centre, Bike Everywhere Month, In Your Community, Sustainable Transportation, Workplace Commuter Options

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Green Living Resources for Manitobans



Our workplaces have an ecological footprint. Think of the resources consumed, the waste produced, cleaning products used, and the energy needed to run lights, heat and cool the work space, and operate equipment. Greening our workplaces has multiple benefits – reducing costs, increasing the comfort and efficiency of the work space, boosting the personal well-being of employees, reducing environmental impacts, and meeting the social responsibility goals of the business.

Looking for Green Action Centre’s social enterprise, Compost Winnipeg? Click here for details!

read more about Work


At Green Action Centre, we do our best to integrate our work into our daily lives. Want to learn about backyard composting, or find some great new DIY ideas? Consider signing up for our monthly Living Green, Living Well newsletter or following us on social media.  As your ‘Green Living Hub,’ we’re here to help you make choices that improve your health, reduce waste, and connect with issues that improve your community.

Want to dig deeper? Our policy papers take an in-depth look at environmental issues, and reflect upon how we might create a more just and sustainable future.

read more about Home
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A great deal of our programming is aimed at schools and educators, providing them with the resources and support to more deeply integrate sustainability education into their curricula and extracurricular programming.

Interested in having our environmental educators present to your class? Want to start a walking school bus in your neighbourhood? Interested in composting at your school, or exploring waste reduction through hands-on activities with your students? We can help.

read more about School
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Green Action Centre aims to provide a useful source of sound environmental solutions and thoughtful policy analysis. Whether you want to start composting in your community, ensure your kids are safe on their way to school, or develop a sustainability committee in your neighbourhood, we’d love to help!

Keep an eye on our blog and events pages to stay up-to-date on the green actions we’re involved in, and drop us a line if you’d like to connect!

read more about Community


Students participated in ASRTS bike and walk events

Through innovative programs and support of local champions, more kids are biking and walking to school. Here are some of our accomplishments from this past year. 


Workshops and presentations delivered to students, parents and teachers!


Students participated in Clean Air Day!



Regardless of whether you are a garden enthusiast with a large yard or an apartment dweller, there is a composting system that will work for you.


Find a sustainable way to commute.

Explore Commuting Options in Your Area.

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Get to Know Green Action Centre

Jack Frost Challenge

Jack Frost Challenge
Bougeons en Hiver

Gather a team of 1-5 family members, friends, or co-workers to complete 130 collective kilometres of outdoor activities. This could include walking, running, biking, skating, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, tobogganing, & more! 

Donate Today

Our climate is changing and it is more important now than ever before for us to unite and take bold actions on environmental issues.

We invite you to support our work through a one-time or monthly, tax deductible donation.

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